Windows:System Requirements
Installing and upgrading
Installed Files
Mac OS X:System Requirements
Installing and upgrading
Installed Files
Linux (tested on Ubuntu):System Requirements
Installing and upgrading
Installed Files
Tracker comes with a bundled 64-bit JRE and Xuggle video engine. Tracker must run in a 64-bit JRE in order to use Xuggle.
In the Tracker home directory (Program Files\Tracker by default):
- Tracker.exe
- tracker.jar
- tracker-6.x.x.jar
- tracker.ico
- trk.ico
- tracker_icon.png
- tracker_install.log
- Tracker_README.txt
- uninstall_Tracker.exe
- uninstall_Tracker.dat
- tracker.prefs.default
- tracker_start.log (only after Tracker is launched)
- xuggle-xuggler-server-all.jar
- logback-core.jar
- logback-classic.jar
- slf4j-api.jar
- 9.0.4-x64-jre subdirectory (bundled JRE)
- Xuggle subdirectory (video engine)
In the user home directory:
- tracker.prefs
- AppData\Local\OSP subdirectory with tracker.prefs and Cache subdirectory (only if the digital library browser has been accessed)
In the videos and experiments directory (My Documents\Tracker by default, only if installed):
- experiments subdirectory
- videos subdirectory
- tracker_start.log (only after Tracker is launched)
In the Start Menu Tracker directory:
- Tracker shortcut
- Uninstall Tracker shortcut
The uninstaller file "uninstall_Tracker.exe" is in the Tracker home directory (see Installed files). To run the uninstaller, double-click it. You can also run this uninstaller from the Add/Remove Programs control panel or by choosing the Uninstall Tracker menu item in the Start Menu.
If there is no uninstaller, you may delete the Tracker home directory and other installed files by hand. However, this will not remove Windows registry entries.
Tracker comes with a bundled 64-bit JRE and Xuggle video engine. Tracker must run in a 64-bit JRE in order to use Xuggle.
In the Tracker home folder (hidden /usr/local/tracker by default):
- Tracker_README.txt
- tracker_install.log
- share subfolder (only if videos and experiments installed--see below)
In the Applications folder:
- (contains the following hidden folders and files)
Contents folder containing Info.plist, PkgInfo and the 5 subfolders below
Java subfolder containing files below:
- tracker_starter.jar
- tracker.jar
- tracker-5.x.x.jar
- Tracker.cfg
- xuggle-xuggler-server-all.jar
- slf4j-api.jar
- logback-core.jar
- logback-classic.jar
MacOS subfolder containing files below:
- libpackager.dylib
- Tracker (executable)
PlugIns subfolder containing Java.runtime (bundled JRE)
Resources subfolder containing files below:
- Tracker_README.txt
- Tracker.icns
- trk.icns
Xuggle subfolder (video engine)
In addition, if installed by a user rather than a superuser (root):
In the application support folder (~/Library/Application Support/OSP):
- .tracker.prefs, osp.prefs, tracker_start.log
In the OSP cache (~/Library/Caches/OSP) (only if the digital library browser has been accessed):
- Search folder and multiple osp-xxx folders
In the user Documents folder (~/Documents):
Tracker subfolder containing (symlink) and tracker_start.log (only after Tracker is launched)
Tracker/videos subfolder containing video files
Tracker/experiments subfolder containing .trk experiment files
The uninstaller file "" is in the Tracker home folder (/usr/local/tracker/ by default). To run the uninstaller, double-click it. Enter your password to complete the uninstallation.
If there is no uninstaller, you may delete the Tracker home directory, and other installed files by hand.
Tracker comes with a bundled 64-bit JRE and Xuggle video engine. Tracker must run in a 64-bit JRE in order to use Xuggle.
32-bit Linux is no longer supported. To determine if your Linux OS is 32- or 64-bit, open a Terminal window and type the command uname -a. If the output ends with "i386 GNU/Linux" or "i686 GNU/Linux" it is 32-bit; if it ends with "x86_64 GNU/Linux" it is 64-bit. (Note: other 64-bit architectures such as IA64 are not supported.)
In the Tracker home folder (/opt/tracker by default):
- tracker.jar
- tracker-5.x.x.jar
- tracker_starter.jar
- Tracker_README.txt
- tracker_install.log
- tracker_start.log (only after Tracker is launched)
- tracker.desktop (executable)
- tracker_icon48.png
- trk_icon_48.png
- uninstall_Tracker
- uninstall_Tracker.dat
- osptracker-mime.xml
- tracker.prefs.default
- xuggle-xuggler-server-all.jar
- logback-core.jar
- logback-classic.jar
- slf4j-api.jar
- share subfolder (only if videos and experiments installed)
- 9.0.4-x64-jre subfolder (bundled JRE)
- Xuggle subfolder (video engine)
In the videos and experiments folder (/opt/tracker/share by default), only if installed:
- videos subfolder containing video files
- experiments subfolder containing .trk experiment files
In addition, if installed by a user (i.e., using sudo) rather than a superuser (root):
In the user Documents folder (~/Documents or equivalent):
- Tracker subfolder containing files below:
- tracker_start.log (only after Tracker is launched)
- symlink
- tracker_home symlink to the Tracker home folder
- resources symlink to the videos and experiments folder (only if videos and experiments installed
In the user OSP configuration folder (~/.config/OSP):
- .tracker.prefs and osp.prefs
- Cache subfolder (only if the digital library browser has been accessed)
The uninstall file "uninstall_Tracker" is in the Tracker home folder (/opt/tracker/ by default). To run the uninstaller, open a terminal window and type "sudo /opt/tracker/uninstall_Tracker". Enter your password to complete the uninstallation. Note: the uninstaller requires the data file "uninstall_Tracker.dat" in the same folder to operate.
If there is no uninstaller, you may uninstall the Tracker home folder and other installed files by hand.