Interface DrawableAxes

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
CartesianAxes, PolarAxes
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractAxes, AbstractPolarAxis, CartesianInteractive, CartesianType1, CartesianType2, CartesianType3, CustomAxes, DataToolTab.DataToolAxes, PolarType1, PolarType2

public interface DrawableAxes extends Drawable
DrawableAxes defines axes that render themselves in a drawing panel. Axes use the plotting panel's gutters, pixel scale, and affine transformation.
W. Christian
  • Method Details

    • setXLabel

      void setXLabel(String s, String font_name)
      Sets the x label of the axes. The font names understood are those understood by java.awt.Font.decode(). If the font name is null, the font remains unchanged.
      s - the label
      font_name - an optional font name
    • getXLabel

      String getXLabel()
      Gets the x axis label.
    • setYLabel

      void setYLabel(String s, String font_name)
      Sets the y label of the axes. The font names understood are those understood by java.awt.Font.decode(). If the font name is null, the font remains unchanged.
      s - the label
      font_name - an optional font name
    • getYLabel

      String getYLabel()
      Gets the y axis label.
    • setTitle

      void setTitle(String s, String font_name)
      Sets the title that will be drawn within the drawing panel. The font names understood are those understood by java.awt.Font.decode(). If the font name is null, the font remains unchanged.
      s - the title
      font_name - an optional font name
    • getTitle

      String getTitle()
      Gets the x title.
    • setVisible

      void setVisible(boolean isVisible)
      Sets the visibility of the axes.
      isVisible - true if the axes are visible
    • setInteriorBackground

      void setInteriorBackground(Color color)
      Sets the interior background color.
    • getInteriorBackground

      Color getInteriorBackground()
      Gets the interior background color.
    • setShowMajorXGrid

      void setShowMajorXGrid(boolean showGrid)
      Shows a grid line for every x axis major tickmark.
    • setShowMinorXGrid

      void setShowMinorXGrid(boolean showGrid)
      Shows a grid line for every x axis minor tickmark.
    • setShowMajorYGrid

      void setShowMajorYGrid(boolean showGrid)
      Shows a grid line for every y axis major tickmark.
    • setShowMinorYGrid

      void setShowMinorYGrid(boolean showGrid)
      Shows a grid line for every y axis minor tickmark.
    • resizeFonts

      void resizeFonts(double factor, DrawingPanel panel)
      Resizes fonts by the specified factor.
      factor - the factor
      panel - the drawing panel on which these axes are drawn