Class Resolution

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class Resolution extends Object

Title: Resolution

Description: A class that provides resolution style hints for 3D Elements

A resolution can be of two different types: DIVISIONS or MAX_LENGTH.

  • DIVISIONS: the resolution indicates how many subdivisions should the element have, up to three of them: n1, n2, and n3. The precise meaning of this is left to the element, but typically consists in the number of divisions in each coordinate direction.
  • MAX_LENGTH: the resolution provides a maximum length that each of the individual graphical pieces of the element can have. The element can then automatically divide itself in smaller pieces, if necessary.
March 2005
Francisco Esquembre
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Resolution

      public Resolution(double max)
      A constructor for a resolution of type MAX_LENGTH.
      max - The maximum length.
    • Resolution

      public Resolution(int n1, int n2, int n3)
      A constructor for a resolution of type DIVISIONS.
      n1 - int the first number of subdivisions
      n2 - int the second number of subdivisions
      n3 - int the thrid number of subdivisions
  • Method Details

    • getType

      public final int getType()
    • getMaxLength

      public final double getMaxLength()
    • getN1

      public final int getN1()
    • getN2

      public final int getN2()
    • getN3

      public final int getN3()
    • getLoader

      public static XML.ObjectLoader getLoader()