Class ControlSplitPanel

public class ControlSplitPanel extends ControlContainer
A configurable SplitPanel
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ControlSplitPanel

      public ControlSplitPanel(Object _visual)
      Constructor ControlSplitPanel
      _visual -
  • Method Details

    • createVisual

      protected Component createVisual(Object _visual)
      Description copied from class: ControlSwingElement
      Creates the visual component of this ControlElement, the one you can configure graphically. If an object of an appropriate class is provided, it is used as the visual.
      Specified by:
      createVisual in class ControlSwingElement
      _visual - The javax.swing.JComponent to be wrapped
    • reset

      public void reset()
      Description copied from class: ControlElement
      resets the element
      reset in class ControlElement
    • add

      public void add(ControlElement _child)
      Description copied from class: ControlContainer
      adds a child control
      add in class ControlContainer
      _child - the child control
    • getPropertyList

      public ArrayList<String> getPropertyList()
      Description copied from class: ControlSwingElement
      Returns the list of all properties that can be set for this ControlElement. Subclasses that add properties should extend this table. Order is crucial here: Both for the presentation in an editor (f.i. ViewElement) and for the setValue() method.
      getPropertyList in class ControlSwingElement
    • getPropertyInfo

      public String getPropertyInfo(String _property)
      Description copied from class: ControlSwingElement
      Returns information about a given property. Subclasses that add properties should extend this table.
    • The first keyword is ALWAYS the type.
    • The keyword CONSTANT applies to properties that can not be changed using the setValue() methods
    • The keyword BASIC is used by Ejs to group properties to the left hand side of the property editor
    • The keyword HIDDEN is used by Ejs so that it does not display an entry in the editor field
    • Overrides:
      getPropertyInfo in class ControlContainer
    • parseConstant

      public Value parseConstant(String _propertyType, String _value)
      Description copied from class: ControlSwingElement
      Checks if a value can be considered a valid constant value for a property If not, it returns null, meaning the value can be considered to be a GroupVariable or a primitive constant. This method implements more cases than really needed for the base class. This is in order to save repetitions in swing subclasses.
      parseConstant in class ControlSwingElement
    • setValue

      public void setValue(int _index, Value _value)
      Description copied from class: ControlSwingElement
      Sets the value of the registered variables. Subclasses with internal values should extend this
      setValue in class ControlSwingElement
      _index - A keyword index that distinguishes among variables
      _value - The object holding the value for the variable.
    • setDefaultValue

      public void setDefaultValue(int _index)
      setDefaultValue in class ControlSwingElement
    • getValue

      public Value getValue(int _index)
      Description copied from class: ControlSwingElement
      Gets the value of any internal variable. Subclasses with internal values should extend this
      getValue in class ControlSwingElement
      _index - A keyword index that distinguishes among variables
      Value _value The object holding the value for the variable.