Class FourierPanel

All Implemented Interfaces:
ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible

public class FourierPanel extends JPanel
A JPanel that displays a plot and table of the Fourier spectrum of an input Dataset.
Doug Brown
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • FourierPanel

      public FourierPanel()
      Constructs a FourierPanel.
  • Method Details

    • createGUI

      protected void createGUI()
      Creates the GUI.
    • refreshFourierData

      protected void refreshFourierData(Dataset data, String name)
      Refreshes the fourier data based on a source dataset.
      data - the source dataset
      name - a name that identifies the source
    • refreshPlot

      protected void refreshPlot()
      Refreshes the plot to show currrently selected variables.
    • createButtons

      protected void createButtons(ArrayList<Dataset> datasets)
      Creates the plot variable buttons.
      datasets - the fourier datasets
    • createFourierData

      public static FourierSinCosAnalysis createFourierData(Dataset dataset)
      Creates a Data object containing the Fourier spectrum of the input Dataset.
      dataset - the input
      the fourier spectrum Data