Class BounceModel


public class BounceModel extends Object
A LinearModelWithStep maps a parameter vector to a series of data points at equally spaced time intervals. For handling 2D data, the parameters are a num_params x 2 Matrix. This class requires the JAMA matrix package from Mon Oct 31 14:02:07 PDT 2011 Kevin Karplus
Kevin Karplus
  • Constructor Summary

    BounceModel(int num_data, int deg, double when_step)
    constructor for n data points using polynomial of degree d plus a Dirac delta in the acceleration (step in velocity) at time s That is, data[t] will be fitted to sum_i<=d param[i]*t**i for t<s sum_i<=d param[i]*t**i + param[d+1]*(t-s) for s<=t If the time of the step is <=0 or >=num_data-1, then it is not possible to fit an extra parameter, so it is omitted from the model, and a pure polynomial is used sum_i<=d param[i]*t**i If the time of the step is Double.NaN, then the step time is unknown and two extra parameters are needed to estimate s, which is assumed to be in range (0.5*num_data-1, 0.5*num_data).
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    first_deriv(BounceMatrix model_param, double t)
    return first derivatives at time t The dimensionality of the returned array of doubles is the same as the number of columns in the model_param Matrix (that would be 2 for model_param returned by fit_xy()).
    fit_xy(double[] xData, double[] yData, int start, int index_step)
    fit parameters for model to a window of (x,y) points Returned result: fitted paramters returns null if fitting is not possible, which can happen if start, start+index_step, ..., start+(num_data-1)*index_step goes out of range for either data array or xdata or ydata is Double.NaN for one of the specified points Time t=0 corresponds to subscript "start" Time t=1 to start+time_step
    fit_xy(double[] xData, double[] yData, int start, int index_step, double initial_step_at, double[] initial_step_size)
    fit parameters for model to a window of (x,y) points, with a specified step to be removed before fitting Returned result: fitted parameters, with record of extra step returns null if fitting is not possible, which can happen if start, start+index_step, ..., start+(num_data-1)*index_step goes out of range for either data array or xdata or ydata is Double.NaN for one of the specified points Time t=0 corresponds to subscript "start" Time t=1 to start+time_step
    where is there a step?
    getStepAt(BounceMatrix model_param)
    where is there a step? If there is a step in a model which estimates time as well as size of step, we need the model parameters to say where the step was fitted.
    return step size The dimensionality of the returned array of doubles is the same as the number of columns in the model_param Matrix (that would be 2 for model_param returned by fit_xy()).
    second_deriv(BounceMatrix model_param, double t)
    return second derivatives at time t The dimensionality of the returned array of doubles is the same as the number of columns in the model_param Matrix (that would be 2 for model_param returned by fit_xy()).
    return use_step

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • BounceModel

      public BounceModel(int num_data, int deg, double when_step)
      constructor for n data points using polynomial of degree d plus a Dirac delta in the acceleration (step in velocity) at time s That is, data[t] will be fitted to sum_i<=d param[i]*t**i for t<s sum_i<=d param[i]*t**i + param[d+1]*(t-s) for s<=t If the time of the step is <=0 or >=num_data-1, then it is not possible to fit an extra parameter, so it is omitted from the model, and a pure polynomial is used sum_i<=d param[i]*t**i If the time of the step is Double.NaN, then the step time is unknown and two extra parameters are needed to estimate s, which is assumed to be in range (0.5*num_data-1, 0.5*num_data). Other than 0 to turn it off, the step should not be located at an integer.
      num_data -
      deg -
      when_step - when step in velocity happens
  • Method Details

    • getStepAt

      public double getStepAt()
      where is there a step?
      time of step in velocity
    • getStepAt

      public double getStepAt(BounceMatrix model_param)
      where is there a step? If there is a step in a model which estimates time as well as size of step, we need the model parameters to say where the step was fitted.
      model_param - parameters from fit
      time of step in velocity
    • fit_xy

      public BounceParameters fit_xy(double[] xData, double[] yData, int start, int index_step)
      fit parameters for model to a window of (x,y) points Returned result: fitted paramters returns null if fitting is not possible, which can happen if start, start+index_step, ..., start+(num_data-1)*index_step goes out of range for either data array or xdata or ydata is Double.NaN for one of the specified points Time t=0 corresponds to subscript "start" Time t=1 to start+time_step
      xData - array of x values
      yData - array of y values
      start - subscript of first (x,y) pair for window
      index_step - increment between subscripts for subsequent data points
      LinearModelParams containing parameters and residual square error
    • fit_xy

      public BounceParameters fit_xy(double[] xData, double[] yData, int start, int index_step, double initial_step_at, double[] initial_step_size)
      fit parameters for model to a window of (x,y) points, with a specified step to be removed before fitting Returned result: fitted parameters, with record of extra step returns null if fitting is not possible, which can happen if start, start+index_step, ..., start+(num_data-1)*index_step goes out of range for either data array or xdata or ydata is Double.NaN for one of the specified points Time t=0 corresponds to subscript "start" Time t=1 to start+time_step
      xData - array of x values
      yData - array of y values
      start - subscript of first (x,y) pair for window
      index_step - increment between subscripts for subsequent data points
      initial_step_at - what time the predefined step happens 0<=t<num_data
      initial_step_size -
      LinearModelParams containing parameters and residual square error
    • first_deriv

      public double[] first_deriv(BounceMatrix model_param, double t)
      return first derivatives at time t The dimensionality of the returned array of doubles is the same as the number of columns in the model_param Matrix (that would be 2 for model_param returned by fit_xy()). Time t=0 corresponds to subscript "start" in the fit_xy call Time t=1 to start+time_step in the fit_xy call
      model_param - parameter matrix as returned by a fit_xy call
      t - what time
      first derivates of x and y at time t
    • second_deriv

      public double[] second_deriv(BounceMatrix model_param, double t)
      return second derivatives at time t The dimensionality of the returned array of doubles is the same as the number of columns in the model_param Matrix (that would be 2 for model_param returned by fit_xy()). The Dirac delta causes some difficulty in expressing the acceleration, and it is replaced in the acceleration output (but not the velocity or data fitting) by a pulse in the interval (s-0.5, s+.5]
      model_param - parameter matrix as returned by a fit_xy call
      t - what time step (t=0 corresponds to subscript "start" in the fit_xy call
      second derivates of x and y at time t
    • usesStep

      public boolean usesStep()
      return use_step
      true if model uses as step, false if pure polynomial model
    • getStepSize

      public double[] getStepSize(BounceMatrix model_param)
      return step size The dimensionality of the returned array of doubles is the same as the number of columns in the model_param Matrix (that would be 2 for model_param returned by fit_xy()).
      model_param - parameter matrix as returned by a fit_xy call
      step size (0 if no step)