Package org.opensourcephysics.cabrillo.tracker
package org.opensourcephysics.cabrillo.tracker
ClassDescriptionThis is a FunctionPanel for analytic particles.AnalyticParticle models a particle using time functions.This draws ruled angle lines and labels for a Protractor.An ArrowFootprint returns an arrow shape for a Point array of length 2.This displays and sets point attachments.A class to automatically track a feature of interest in a video.This implements an algorithm for estimating both the first and second derivatives (in 2 dimensions) from a sequence of uniformly spaced samples.A subset of methods from the Jama Matrix class used for the BounceModel.A LinearModelWithStep maps a parameter vector to a series of data points at equally spaced time intervals.A BounceParameters object is a set of parameters for a BounceModel model, which is included by reference.A Calibration is a pair of calibration points that control the ImageCoordSystem of a TrackerPanel.This is a Step for a Calibration.A CenterOfMass tracks the position, velocity and acceleration of the center of mass of a set of point mass objects.This displays and sets CenterOfMass properties.A CircleFitter track fits and measures circles and their centers.A CircleFitterFootprint returns a circle, center point and data point marks.This is a Step for a CircleFitter.A CircleFootprint returns a circle for a Point[] of length 1.This manages a set of enabled configuration properties.A CoordAxes displays and controls the image coordinate system of a specified tracker panel.This is a Step for a CoordAxes.A Derivative implements an algorithm for finding a first, second or both derivatives.A dialog for setting velocity and acceleration algorithms used by one or more point mass tracks.An DoubleArrowFootprint returns a double arrow shape for a Point array of length 2.A double crosshair footprint for a Point array of length 2.This is a FunctionPanel for dynamic particles.DynamicParticle models a particle using Newton's 2nd law.DynamicParticlePolar models a particle using Newton's 2nd law in polar coordinates.This models a system of 2 particles that interact via internal forces.This displays and sets DynamicSystem properties.A dialog to export data from one or more tracks.A dialog for exporting videos from a TrackerPanel.A dialog for exporting/saving Tracker ZIP files.A DocumentListener adapter.A JTextField for editing ZipResourceDialog fields.This implements an algorithm for finding a first derivative.A Footprint creates a mark for a track step.A class to search Tracker HelpSuperclass for Protractor and TapeMeasure, both of which have a clickable editable interface for changing the value.A LineFootprint returns a line shape for a Point array of length 2.A LineProfile measures pixel brightness along a line on a video image.This is a step for a LineProfile.This is the main video view for Tracker.A Mark draws itself with an optional highlight.A MarkingRequired track requires marking.A FunctionTool for building particle models.A subclass of FunctionPanel specifically for particle models.A MultiLineFootprint returns a set of line segments for a Point array of any length > 1.This is a Step that represents multiple positions.A Dialog for setting the format of number fields and table cells.An OffsetOrigin controls the origin of an image coordinate system.This is a Step for a OffsetOrigin.An OutlineFootprint returns an outline shape for a Point array of length 2.This displays html or plain text in one or more tabs.A class to hold the data for a single tab.A class to hold the view for a single tab.A class to undo/redo a text edit.This is a particle model with steps based on world positions defined in a Data object.A function panel for a ParticleDataTrack.An abstract class representing a point mass for which positions are determined by a model.A dialog for pasting delimited text data in JS.A PencilCaption is a text caption for a PencilScene.A Dialog to control PencilScenes for a PencilDrawer.A PencilDrawer draws and manages PencilScenes for a TrackerPanel.A PencilDrawing is a freeform line, arrow or ellipse.A PencilScene is a collection of PencilDrawings and an optional PencilCaption.This is a Step for a PerspectiveTrack.This is a track used for autotracking perspective filter corners.This controls guest tracks in a TrackPlottingPanel.This displays plot views of a track.This displays plot track views selected from a dropdown list.A PointMass tracks the position, velocity and acceleration of a point mass.Inner class containing the position data for a single frame number.A PointShapeFootprint returns a shape for a Point[] of length 1.This is a Step that represents a position.A PositionVectorFootprint returns a vector shape for a Point[] of length 2, but creates a hit shape only at the tip of the vector.This displays and sets preferences for a TrackerPanel.A dialog for viewing and setting document properties and metadata.A Protractor measures and displays angular arcs and arm lengths.A ProtractorFootprint returns a pair of lines that meet at a vertex at one end and have a specified end shape at the other.This is a Step for a Protractor.A ReferenceFrame is an image coordinate system with its origin determined by the position of a PointMass.A RGBRegion measures RGB properties in a user-defined region of a video image.This is a step for RGBRegion.This draws ruled lines and labels for a protractor.This implements an algorithm for finding a second derivative.This Icon centers and fills the shape specified in its constructor.A Step is associated with a single frame of a TTrack.A StepSet is a HashSet of Steps that can be saved in an XMLControl.A JScrollPane that presents a table view of a track on a TrackerPanel.This JPanel is the only child of TViewChooser viewPanel.This creates a map of action name to action for many common tracker actions.A TapeMeasure measures and displays its world length and its angle relative to the positive x-axis.Inner class containing the tape data for a single frame number.This is a Step for a TapeMeasure.A button based on VideoPlayer.PlayerButton that is used throughout Tracker.A CoordinateStringBuilder with format patterns and units.This is the main frame for Tracker.A dialog for saving thumbnail images of a TrackerPanel.This is a trackable rectangular background mat that draws itself on a tracker panel behind the video.This is the main menu for Tracker.A general purpose mouse handler for a trackerPanel.This displays track views selected from a dropdown list.This is a dialog containing buttons for all user tracks.A FunctionTool for building data functions for track data.This is the default Tracker application.This provides static methods for managing video and text input/output.This extends VideoPanel to manage and draw TTracks.String resources for tracker classes.This is a plotting panel for a trackA class used for name, footprint and color edits.A custom renderer to show track name and icon in dropdown list items, where the items are Object[] { icon, text }This displays a view of a single track on a TrackerPanel.This is a region determined by inside and outside pixel values.This is the main toolbar for Tracker.A TTrack draws a series of visible Steps on a TrackerPanel.A DrawingPanel that mimics the look of a JLabel but can display subscripts.This is a toolbar that display selected track properties in the NORTH section of a MainTView.This is a view of a tracker panel that can be added to a TViewChooser.This is a panel with a toolbar for selecting and controlling TViews.A class to handle undo/redo operations for Tracker.A dialog to set time.A class to upgrade Tracker.A Vector draws a series of VectorSteps that represent a generic time-dependent vector.Inner class containing the vector data for a single frame number.This is an ArrayList that represents a chain of vectors linked tip-to-tail.This is a Step that represents a vector.A VectorSum draws a series of VectorSteps that represent a vector sum of its set of vectors.This displays and sets VectorSum properties.This draws a world grid on a TrackerPanel.This draws ruled lines and labels for a tape measure.This is a TView of a TrackerPanel drawn in world space.This is a TView of a tracker panel in a zoomable scrollpane.