Class XMLTreeChooser

All Implemented Interfaces:
ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible, RootPaneContainer, WindowConstants

public class XMLTreeChooser extends JDialog
This modal dialog lets the user choose items from a tree view of an XMLControl.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • XMLTreeChooser

      public XMLTreeChooser(String title, String text)
      Constructs a dialog with the specified title and text.
      title - the title of the dialog
      text - the label text
    • XMLTreeChooser

      public XMLTreeChooser(String title, String text, Component comp)
      Constructs a dialog with the specified title, text and owner.
      title - the title of the dialog
      text - the label text
      comp - the component that owns the dialog (may be null)
  • Method Details

    • setVisible

      public void setVisible(boolean b)
      setVisible in class Dialog
    • choose

      public List<XMLProperty> choose(XMLControl control, Class<?> type)
      Highlights objects of a specified class in a tree view of an XMLControl and returns those selected by the user, if any.
      control - the XMLControl
      type - the class to be highlighted
      a list of selected objects
    • chooseAsync

      public void chooseAsync(XMLControl control, Class<?> type, Runnable whenClosed)
    • getList

      public List<XMLProperty> getList()
      Allow for asynchronous getting of the list.