Package org.opensourcephysics.controls
package org.opensourcephysics.controls
ClassDescriptionAbstractAnimation is a template for simple animations.AbstractCalculation is a template for simple calculations.AbstractSimulation is a template for SIP simulations.An animation performs repetitive calculations in a separate thread.A GUI consisting of an input text area, a message area, and various buttons to initialize and control an Animation.Calculation performs a calculation in response to a control's action.A Control class for Calculations.Graphical User Interfaces implement the Control interface.A frame with menu items for saving and loading control parametersControlsRes provides access to internationalized string resources for OSPControls.A class to represent an encrypted version of a UTF-8-encoded String.A Control without a graphical user interface.This modal dialog lets the user choose any number of items from a supplied list.A MainFrame contains the primary user interface for a program.MessageFrame displays text messages.OSPApplication defines a model and a control.A JPopupMenu with String items from which to choose.A Control that shows its parameters in a JTable.OSPControlTable automatically converts strings, such "pi" or "sqrt(2)" to numbers when getDouble and getInt are invoked.Inspects an object's state using XML.This is a viewable file-based message log for a java package.A dialog that displays an editable table of properties using an OSPControlTable.Title: ParsableTextArea Description: JTextArea with the ability to parse parameters.A dialog for verifying passwords with a single public static method verify().This interface defines methods for setting values that can be changed after an animation has been initialized.Simulations are Animations that invoke methods before starting their animation thread and after stopping their animation thread.An AnimationControl that controls the editing of parameters.This defines the ObjectLoader interface and static methods for managing and accessing ObjectLoader implementations.This defines methods for moving xml data between an XMLControl and a corresponding Java object.This defines methods for storing data in an xml control element.This is a basic xml control for storing data.This is an ObjectLoader implementation that uses the Java XMLEncoder and XMLDecoder classes to save and load data.This is an ObjectLoader implementation that attempts to create a new object of class element.getObjectClass() but takes no other action.This defines methods for storing data in an xml property element.This defines methods for storing data in an xml property element.This is a table view of an XML control and its property contents.A dialog that displays an editable table of XMLControl properties.A table model for an XMLTable.This is an XML tree in a scroller.This modal dialog lets the user choose items from a tree view of an XMLControl.This is a DefaultMutableTreeNode for an XML JTree.This is a split pane view of an XML tree and its contents.