Interface ElementCircle

All Superinterfaces:
Element, InteractionSource
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ElementCircle extends Element

Title: ElementSegment

Description: Draws a circle at its position with the given size. The default size is zero (which draws a point).

Because a circle is essentialy a 2D object, it doesn't behave completely as a 3D object. Thus, its center will be affected by transformations of the element, BUT ITS SIZE WON'T. Moreover, in 3D visualizations, the maximum of sizeX and sizeY is used for its horizontal size. In all other views, the corresponding size is used.
March 2005
Francisco Esquembre
  • Method Details

    • setRotationAngle

      void setRotationAngle(double angle)
      Sets the rotation angle for the circle. Default is 0.
      angle - the rotation angle
    • getRotationAngle

      double getRotationAngle()
      Gets the rotation angle for the circle