Interface InteractionSource

All Known Subinterfaces:
DrawingPanel3D, Element, ElementArrow, ElementBox, ElementCircle, ElementCone, ElementCylinder, ElementEllipsoid, ElementImage, ElementObject, ElementPlane, ElementPoints, ElementPolygon, ElementSegment, ElementSphere, ElementSpring, ElementSurface, ElementTessellation, ElementTetrahedron, ElementText, ElementTrail, Group, Set
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractTile, DrawingPanel3D, Element, ElementArrow, ElementBox, ElementCircle, ElementCone, ElementCylinder, ElementEllipsoid, ElementImage, ElementObject, ElementPlane, ElementPoints, ElementPolygon, ElementSegment, ElementSphere, ElementSpring, ElementSurface, ElementTessellation, ElementTetrahedron, ElementText, ElementTrail, Group, Set

public interface InteractionSource

Title: InteractionSource

Description: This is the interface for an object that the user can interact with. The object contains one or several interaction targets, which are hot spots that respond to user interaction by issuing an interaction event.

Classes implementing this class should document what targets the contain.

Classes implementing the InteractionListener interface can register to receive interaction events using the addInteractionListener method of this interface.

Copyright: Open Source Physics project

May 2005
Francisco Esquembre
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getInteractionTarget

      InteractionTarget getInteractionTarget(int target)
      Gives access to one of the targets of this source. Sources should document the list of their available targets.
      target - An integer number that identifies the target in the source.
    • addInteractionListener

      void addInteractionListener(InteractionListener listener)
      Adds the specified interaction listener to receive interaction events to any of its targets from this source.
      listener - An object that implements the InteractionListener interface
      See Also:
    • removeInteractionListener

      void removeInteractionListener(InteractionListener listener)
      Removes the specified interaction listener
      See Also: