Interface ElementCone

All Superinterfaces:
Element, InteractionSource
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ElementCone extends Element

Title: ElementCylinder

Description: A 3D Cone. The cone can be incomplete or double, if height!=sizeZ.

March 2005
Francisco Esquembre
  • Method Details

    • setTruncationHeight

      void setTruncationHeight(double height)
      Sets the truncation height for this cone. The standard height of a cone is set using setSizeZ(). This method helps create truncated cones by setting the truncation height at a value smaller than the Z size. Negative, zero, or Double.NaN values set the cone to a standard (complete) one. Values greater than the Z size are ignored.
      height - double
    • getTruncationHeight

      double getTruncationHeight()
      Gets the truncation height for this cone.
      double The truncation height (Double.NaN if the cone is complete.)
      See Also:
      • #setTruncationHeight()
    • setMinimumAngle

      void setMinimumAngle(int angle)
      Sets the minimum angle to build the bottom and, if neccesary, top faces of the cone. Default is 0.
      angle - the minimum angle (in degrees)
    • getMinimumAngle

      int getMinimumAngle()
      Gets the minimum angle used to build the bottom and, if neccesary, top faces of the cone.
      the minimum angle (in degrees)
    • setMaximumAngle

      void setMaximumAngle(int angle)
      Sets the maximum angle to build the bottom and, if neccesary, top faces of the cone. Default is 360.
      angle - the maximum angle (in degrees)
    • getMaximumAngle

      int getMaximumAngle()
      Gets the maximum angle used to build the bottom and, if neccesary, top faces of the cone.
      the maximum angle (in degrees)
    • setClosedBottom

      void setClosedBottom(boolean close)
      Whether the cone should be closed at its bottom.
      close - the desired value
    • isClosedBottom

      boolean isClosedBottom()
      Whether the cone is closed at its bottom.
      the value
    • setClosedTop

      void setClosedTop(boolean close)
      Whether an incomplete cone element should be closed at its top.
      closed - the desired value
    • isClosedTop

      boolean isClosedTop()
      Whether the cone is closed at its top.
      the value
    • setClosedLeft

      void setClosedLeft(boolean close)
      Whether an incomplete element should be closed at its left side.
      closed - the desired value
    • isClosedLeft

      boolean isClosedLeft()
      Whether the element is closed at its left side.
      the value
    • setClosedRight

      void setClosedRight(boolean close)
      Whether an incomplete element should be closed at its right side.
      closed - the desired value
    • isClosedRight

      boolean isClosedRight()
      Whether the element is closed at its right side.
      the value