Interface VisualizationHints

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface VisualizationHints

Title: VisualizationHints

Description: Hints to a DrawingPanel3D about how it should look. Hints can be ignored by the panel, depending on the implementation.

March 2005
Francisco Esquembre
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • setDecorationType

      void setDecorationType(int type)
      Types of decoration displayed. One of the following
      • DECORATION_NONE: No decoration
      • DECORATION_AXES: Display labelled axes
      • DECORATION_CUBE: Display the bounding box
      type - the desired value
    • getDecorationType

      int getDecorationType()
    • setAxesLabels

      void setAxesLabels(String[] labels)
      Sets the labels for the X, Y, and Z axes (when the axes are visible).
      labels - a String[] array with at least three elements
    • getAxesLabels

      String[] getAxesLabels()
    • setCursorType

      void setCursorType(int type)
      The cursor type when interacting with the panel. One of the following
      • CURSOR_NONE: No cursor lines are shown.
      • CURSOR_XYZ: X,Y, and Z lines are displayed. The default.
      • CURSOR_CUBE: A cube from the origing to the point is shown.
      • CURSOR_CROSSHAIR: Lines parallel to the axes that cross at the given point are shown.
      mode - the desired value
    • getCursorType

      int getCursorType()
    • setRemoveHiddenLines

      void setRemoveHiddenLines(boolean remove)
      Whether the panel should try to remove hidden lines
      remove - the desired value
    • isRemoveHiddenLines

      boolean isRemoveHiddenLines()
    • setAllowQuickRedraw

      void setAllowQuickRedraw(boolean allow)
      Whether the panel can draw quickly when it is dragged for a new view point
      allow - the desired value
    • isAllowQuickRedraw

      boolean isAllowQuickRedraw()
    • setUseColorDepth

      void setUseColorDepth(boolean useIt)
      Whether the panel should display far objects darker
      useIt - the desired value
    • isUseColorDepth

      boolean isUseColorDepth()
    • setShowCoordinates

      void setShowCoordinates(int location)
      At which location should the panel display the coordinates when dragging a point The location must be one of the following:
      • DrawingPanel3D.BOTTOM_LEFT
      • DrawingPanel3D.BOTTOM_RIGHT
      • DrawingPanel3D.TOP_RIGHT
      • DrawingPanel3D.TOP_LEFT
      A negative value for the location means
    • getShowCoordinates

      int getShowCoordinates()
    • setXFormat

      void setXFormat(String format)
      Sets the format to display the X coordinate when dragging a point
      format - String parameter for a new java.text.DecimalFormat
    • getXFormat

      String getXFormat()
    • setYFormat

      void setYFormat(String format)
      Sets the format to display the Y coordinate when dragging a point
      format - String parameter for a new java.text.DecimalFormat
    • getYFormat

      String getYFormat()
    • setZFormat

      void setZFormat(String format)
      Sets the format to display the Z coordinate when dragging a point
      format - String parameter for a new java.text.DecimalFormat
    • getZFormat

      String getZFormat()
    • copyFrom

      void copyFrom(VisualizationHints hints)
      Copies its data from another set of hints
      hints -