Interface ODEAdaptiveSolver

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
CashKarp45, DormandPrince45, ODEBisectionEventSolver, ODEMultistepSolver, RK45, RK45MultiStep

public interface ODEAdaptiveSolver extends ODESolver
ODEAdaptiveSolver extends the ODE solver to add adaptive step size capabilities. Adaptive ODE solvers adjust the step size until that the desired tolerance is reached. The client's state can effect the internal state of the ODE solver. Some adaptive solvers advance an internal copy of client's state. This internal state is then copied to the client after every step. Other solvers estimate the optimal time step using the client's state. Clients should therfore always invoke the solver's initialize method after setting their initial conditions.
Wolfgang Christian
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • setTolerance

      void setTolerance(double tol)
      Sets the tolerance of the adaptive ODE sovler.
      tol - the tolerance
    • getTolerance

      double getTolerance()
      Gets the tolerance of the adaptive ODE sovler.
    • getErrorCode

      int getErrorCode()
      Gets the error code. Error codes: ODEAdaptiveSolver.NO_ERROR ODEAdaptiveSolver.DID_NOT_CONVERGE ODEAdaptiveSolver.BISECTION_EVENT_NOT_FOUND=2;