Package org.opensourcephysics.numerics
package org.opensourcephysics.numerics
ClassDescriptionAbstractODE provides a common superclass for ODESolvers.Title: Adams4 Description: A fourth order Predictor-Corrector ODE solver.Title: Adams5 Description: A fifth order Predictor-Corrector (PECE) ODE solver.Title: Adams6 Description: A sixth order Predictor-Corrector ODE solver.Library of supplementary array routines not supported by the java.util.Arrays class.Butcher5 implements a fifth order Runge-Kutta ODE solver using an algorithm developed by Butcher.CashKarp45 implements a RKF 4/5 ODE solver with variable step size using Cash-Karp coefficients.Class descriptionA Java Complex Eigenvalue Decomposition based on an Ada version of a NAG Fortran library subroutine.Class descriptionClass descriptionClass CurveFitting defines various curve fitting algorithms inluding linear regression.Derivative defines various derivative algorithms.DormandPrince45 implements a RKF 4/5 ODE solver with variable step size using Dormand-Prince coefficients.DoubleArray stores an array of doubles as a string and as an array.Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real matrix.Euler implements an Euler method ODE solver.An Euler-Richardson (midpoint) method ODE solver.Title: Fehlberg8 Description: An eigth order Runge-Kutta ODE solver.FFT computes FFT's of complex, double precision data of arbitrary length n.FFT2D computes the FFT of 2 dimensional complex, double precision data.FFTReal computes the discrete Fourier coefficients a[0], ...., a[N/2] and b[1], ...., b[N/2 - 1] of the discrete partial Fourier sum a[0] + a[1]*cos(N/2*omega*x) + Sum (k=1,2,...,N/2-1) (a[2*k] * cos(k * omega * x) + a[2*k+1] * sin(k * omega * x)) given real functional values y[0], ...., y[N-1].Title: Function Description: A function of one variable.Class descriptionClass descriptionHeun3 implements Heun's third order algorithm for solving ODEs by evaluating the rate at the initial state, and two intermediate states.IntegerArray stores an array of doubles as a string and as an array.Class Integral defines various integration algorithms.Class Interpolation defines simple interpolation algorithms.Title: InvertibleFunction Description: An invertible function of one variable.LagrangeInterpolator uses a polynomial interpolation formula to evaluate values between data points.LeapFrog method ODE solver.Legendre defines Legendre Polynomials based on of Alan Jeffrey's Handbook of Mathematical Formulas an Integrals.LevenbergMarquardt performs a minimization of a nonlinear multivariable function using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm.Class descriptionLower Upper Permutation (LUP) decomposition See Object Oriented Implementation of Numerical Methods by Didier H.MathExpParser defines an abstract super class for mathematical expression parsers.Matrix2DTransformation implements 2D affine transformationsMatrix3DTransformation implements 3D affine transformations using a matrix representation.MatrixTransformation maps coordinates from one coordinate system to another using a matrix.Title: Function Description: A function of multiple variables.Indicates that an error occured in a numeric method.Logs numerics messages to the OSPLog using reflection.ODE defines a system of differential equations by providing access to the rate equations.ODEAdaptiveSolver extends the ODE solver to add adaptive step size capabilities.ODEBisectionEventSolver is an ODEEventSolver that uses the bisection method for root finding.ODEEventSolver is an interface for a Solver for ODE which accepts and deals with StateEventsODEMultistepSolver performs multiple ODE steps so that a uniform step size is maintained.ODE defines a minimal differential equation solver.Signals that a numerical error occured within an ODE solver.A factory class that creates an ODESolver using a name.ParsedFunction defines a function of a single varianble using a String.ParsedMultiVarFunction defines a function of multiple variables using a String.Indicates that an error occurred in parser operation, and the operation could not be completed.Implements methods to support periodic boundary condtions.Polynomial implements a mathematical polynomial: c[0] + c[1] * x + c[2] * x^2 + ....Polynomial least square fit without any error estimation.Quaternion models a unit quaternion and implements quaternion arithmetic.Ralston2 implements Ralston's algorithm for solving ODEs by evaluating the rate at the initial state, estimating the rate for the final state, and using a weighted average of these two rates to advance the state.Title: RK4 Description: A fourth order Runge-Kutta ODE solver.RK45 implements an Runge-Kutta 4/5 ODE solver with variable step size.Title: RK45MultiStep Description: Perform multiple RK4/5 ODE steps so that a uniform step size is maintainedClass Root defines various root finding algorithms.StateEvent defines an event consisting in that a given numeric value changes sign from positive to negative.The class
is a mathematical expression parser.Transformation maps coordinates from one coordinate system to another.A utility class for numerical analysis.A 3-element vector that is represented by double-precision floating point x,y,z coordinates.VectorFunction defines a function of multiple variables that returns a resultant vector.VectorMath is a utility class for vector math.Verlet: A velocity Verlet method ODE solver.