All Classes and Interfaces
AbstractAnimation is a template for simple animations.
A dialog for managing autoloadable functions for a FunctionTool.
An abstract class for axes that defines font and title accessor methods.
AbstractCalculation is a template for simple calculations.
AbstractInteractive implements common Interactive methods.
AbstractODE provides a common superclass for ODESolvers.
AbstractPolarAxis implements methods common to all polar axes.
AbstractSimulation is a template for SIP simulations.
This is the basic class for all Elements which consist of a sequence
of 3D colored tiles: Ellipsoid, Cylinder, Box, ...
AbstractTrail defines a trail of pixels on the screen.
Title: Adams4
Description: A fourth order Predictor-Corrector ODE solver.
Title: Adams5
Description: A fifth order Predictor-Corrector (PECE) ODE solver.
Title: Adams6
Description: A sixth order Predictor-Corrector ODE solver.
This is a FunctionPanel for analytic particles.
AnalyticParticle models a particle using time functions.
This draws ruled angle lines and labels for a Protractor.
Class AnimatedGifEncoder - Encodes a GIF file consisting of one or
more frames.
An animation performs repetitive calculations in a separate thread.
A GUI consisting of an input text area, a message area, and various buttons
to initialize and control an Animation.
Tags stand alone programs so that the main frame does not exit the VM when the frame is close.
ApplicationApplet displays a button that invokes a static main method in a target class.
ArrayData stores numeric data for 2d visualizations using a 2d array for each component.
A frame that displays arrays.
A dialog that displays an ArrayTable.
Library of supplementary array routines not
supported by the java.util.Arrays class.
A panel that displays an ArrayTable.
A JTable to display int, double and String array values.
A table model for a 1D and 2D ArrayTable.
A Drawable arrow that uses Java 2D drawing.
An ArrowFootprint returns an arrow shape for a Point array of length 2.
A class to save and load Arrow objects in an XMLControl.
A VideoAdapter that must be accessed asynchronously (JSMovieVideo)
This displays and sets point attachments.
This displays and the DrawingPanel autoscale properties.
A class to automatically track a feature of interest in a video.
This is a Filter that applies radial transformations to an image.
This is a Filter that subtracts a baseline image from the source image.
A BinaryLattice is an array where each array element has a value of 0 or 1.
is a Value
object that holds a
boolean value.This implements an algorithm for estimating both the first and second
derivatives (in 2 dimensions) from a sequence of uniformly spaced samples.
A subset of methods from the Jama Matrix class used for the BounceModel.
A LinearModelWithStep maps a parameter vector to a
series of data points at equally spaced time intervals.
A BounceParameters object is a set of parameters for
a BounceModel model, which is included by reference.
An image is bounded by hot spots for dragging and resizing.
A class to save and load BoundedShape in an XMLControl.
A BoundedTextLine is a line of text that can be rotated and scaled using a mouse.
This is a Filter that changes the brightness and contrast of a source image.
A stripped down version of the Browser class published by Stephen Ostermiller for use by the OSP project.
Butcher5 implements a fifth order Runge-Kutta ODE solver using an algorithm developed by Butcher.
A ByteImage contains an array of bytes int[row][col]
where each integer represents an image pixel.
The ByteLattice interface defines a lattice visualization component where each
array element can assume one of 256 values.
A ByteRaster contains an array of bytes where each byte represents an image pixel.
Calculation performs a calculation in response to a control's action.
A Control class for Calculations.
A Calibration is a pair of calibration points that control the
ImageCoordSystem of a TrackerPanel.
This is a Step for a Calibration.
Title: Camera
Title: CameraInspector
Real version of ComplexCarpet
not tested
CartesianAxes defines common Cartesian coordinate methods.
Builds a coordinate string from a mouse event for an axis type.
A cartesian axis class that provides interactive scale adjustment with a
A modified version of the ptolemy.plot.PlotBox class designed to work with
the OSP drawing framework.
CartesianType3 draws draggable X and Y axes in the interior of a plotting panel.
CashKarp45 implements a RKF 4/5 ODE solver with variable step size using Cash-Karp coefficients.
A class which implements a line border on only the top and left hand side.
A CellLattice that displays an array where each array element can assume one
of 256 values.
A Mac version of CellLattice that displays an array where each array element can assume one of 256
A CellLattice displays an array where each array element can assume one of 256 values.
A CenterOfMass tracks the position, velocity and acceleration of the center
of mass of a set of point mass objects.
This displays and sets CenterOfMass properties.
Chebyshev defines Chebyshev polynomials Tn(x) and Un(x) using
the well known recurrence relationships.
A checkbox tree cell renderer.
A checkbox mouse and tree selection listener.
A checkbox tree selection model.
A Drawable circle that uses awt drawing.
A CircleFitter track fits and measures circles and their centers.
A CircleFitterFootprint returns a circle, center point and data point marks.
This is a Step for a CircleFitter.
A CircleFootprint returns a circle for a Point[] of length 1.
A class to save and load Circle objects in an XMLControl.
A ClipControl controls a VideoClip.
This displays and sets VideoClip and ClipControl properties.
This Icon fills or outlines itself with the color specified in its constructor.
Class description
A DrawingFrame that displays 2D plots of complex scalar fields.
ComplexInterpolatedPlot creates an image of a scalar field by inerpolating every
image pixel to an untabulated point (x,y) in the 2d data.
ComplexDataset stores and plots a complex dataset (x,z) where the dependent
variable has real and imaginary parts, z=(real, imaginary).
A Java Complex Eigenvalue Decomposition based on an Ada version of a NAG Fortran library subroutine.
ComplexGridPlot plots a complex scalar field by coloring pixels a buffered image.
ComplexInterpolatedPlot creates an image of a scalar field by interpolating every
image pixel to an untabulated point (x,y) in the 2d data.
Class description
A DrawingFrame that plots a complex function.
SurfacePlot draws a 3D surface of a scalar field.
The class
represents a vertex in 3D space.This manages a set of enabled configuration properties.
This class provides static methods that parse a string and return
a Value with the corresponding type and value, ready to be used by
the setValue() method of ControlElements
This class provides static methods that parse a string and return
a Value with the corresponding type and value, ready to be used by
the setValue() method of ControlElements
Title: Contour
Description: The class
accumulates line drawing information and
then draws all accumulated lines together.ContourPlot draws a contour plot of a scalar field.
Graphical User Interfaces implement the Control interface.
A bar that display double values.
A configurable control button.
A configurable checkbox.
A combobox to display string options.
A configurable Container
A configurable Dialog.
Abstract superclass for Drawables (children of ControlDrawableParent)
A container to hold Drawables.
is a base class for an object that
can be managed using a series of configurable properties, hold actions
that when invoked graphically call other objects' methods, and be
responsible for the display and change of one or more internal variables.A frame with menu items for saving and loading control parameters
A configurable Frame.
A configurable Label.
A textfield to display double values.
A configurable panel.
A textfield to display double values.
A configurable checkbox.
Default resource loader for the OSP display package.
English resource loader for OSP controls class.
US English resource loader for OSP controls class.
Spanish resource loader for OSP controls class.
ES Spanish resource loader for OSP controls class.
Chinese resource loader for OSP controls class.
A slider to display double values.
An element to play sound according to the state of an internal
A configurable SplitPanel
ControlsRes provides access to internationalized string resources for OSPControls.
is a base class for an object that
displays a visual java.awt.Component.A configurabel TabbedPanel
A configurable text.
A textfield to display double values.
A configurable Window.
A CoordAxes displays and controls the image coordinate system of a specified
tracker panel.
This is a Step for a CoordAxes.
Builds a coordinate string from a mouse event for an axis type.
A class to represent an encrypted version of a UTF-8-encoded String.
Class description
Class CurveFitting defines various curve fitting algorithms inluding linear regression.
This is a Filter that produces fading ghost images of dark objects on a
bright background.
The Data interface defines methods for obtaining and identifying OSP data.
Data adapter class implements the Data interface for double[][] arrays.
A FunctionTool for building data functions for DataTool tabs.
This defines a subset of data elements called steps.
DataColumn is a Dataset that represents a single column in a DataToolTable.
A class to save and load DataColumn data in an XMLControl.
This is a dataset whose values are determined by a multivariable function
evaluated with input constants and linked datasets.
A class to save and load DataFunction data in an XMLControl.
A FunctionEditor for DataFunctions.
This is a FunctionPanel for DataFunctions.
DataRaster maps (x,y) data onto an image.
This tool sends data to any tool that requests it.
BH 2020.03.30 note:
DataRowTable is used in ThreeStateNuclearDecay, where it tracks the three
nuclear states over time.
A JTable to display rows of integers, doubles and Strings.
Dataset stores and plots (x,y) points.
A class to save and load Dataset data in an XMLControl.
A panel that displays and controls functional curve fits to a Dataset.
DatasetManager maintains a list of datasets.
DataTable displays multiple TableModels in a table.
A default double renderer for the table
A marker type for TableModels that are associated with DataTable.
A settable precision double renderer for the table
A cell renderer that adds units to displayed values.
TableFrame displays a DataTable with a scroll pane in a frame.
This provides a GUI for analyzing OSP Data objects.
A class to find an exponential moving average (weighting for
previous values fall off by factor exp(-alpha)).
A table that displays plot properties of the columns in a data tool table.
This displays statistics of data columns in a DataToolTable.
This tab displays and analyzes a single Data object in a DataTool.
This is a DataTable that displays DataColumns and constructs
HighlightableDatasets for a plot.
An interface for a Trackable object that gets its position (and optional time)
data from an external source.
This is a JTextField that accepts only decimal numbers.
This is a NumberField that displays numbers in decimal format with a fixed
number of decimal places.
This is a Filter that returns only one field of an interlaced video image.
A Derivative implements an algorithm for finding a first, second or both derivatives.
Derivative defines various derivative algorithms.
A dialog for setting velocity and acceleration algorithms used by one or more
point mass tracks.
This defines static methods for reporting the availability and status of
various software resources.
Displays system properties.
Checks to see if Xuggle is installed and working.
Default resource loader for the OSP dialogs.
English resource loader for OSP display class.
US English resource loader for OSP display class.
Spanish resource loader for OSP display class.
ES Spanish resource loader for OSP display class.
Chinese resource loader for OSP display class.
String constants for Dialogs.
Dimensioned objects can only be drawn a certain size and therefore set the size of
a drawing panel's drawable area.
Default resource loader for the OSP display package.
English resource loader for OSP display class.
US English resource loader for OSP display class.
Spanish resource loader for OSP display class.
ES Spanish resource loader for OSP display class.
Spanish resource loader for OSP display class.
Defines color palette used by OSP components.
A DrawingFrame with an empty drawing panel.
DisplayRes provides access to internationalized string resources for objects in the display package.
DormandPrince45 implements a RKF 4/5 ODE solver with variable step size using Dormand-Prince coefficients.
This manages an array of doubles.
DoubleArray stores an array of doubles as a string and as an array.
An DoubleArrowFootprint returns a double arrow shape for a Point array of
length 2.
A double crosshair footprint for a Point array of length 2.
is a Value
object that
holds a double value.A program to read the PHP download counter and update the download counter file.
Drawable objects draw themselves in a DrawingPanel.
DrawableAxes defines axes that render themselves in a drawing panel.
A DrawableBuffer contains an image of drawable objects.
Draws a group of shapes.
This defines methods used by drawable images.
A class that draws shapes using the Java 2D API.
A class to save and load DrawableShapes in an XMLControl.
DrawableTextLine draws short Strings with subscripts and superscripts.
A class to save and load InteractiveArrow in an XMLControl.
DrawingDialog: a dialog that contains a drawing panel.
Drawing Frame: a frame that contains a drawing panel.
Title: DrawingFrame3D
DrawingFrame: a frame that contains a generic drawing panel.
DrawingPanel renders drawable objects on its canvas.
Title: DrawingPanel3D
Title: DrawingPanel3D
This is a FunctionPanel for dynamic particles.
DynamicParticle models a particle using Newton's 2nd law.
DynamicParticlePolar models a particle using Newton's 2nd law in polar
This models a system of 2 particles that interact via internal forces.
This displays and sets DynamicSystem properties.
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real matrix.
Resource loader for EJS.
English resource loader for EJS.
US English resource loader for EJS resources.
Spanish resource loader for OSP display class.
ES Spanish resource loader for OSP display class.
Chinese resource loader for OSP display class.
An EJS control object for Calculations.
A blend of GroupControl and org.opensourcephysics.control.Control
EjsControlFrame defines an Easy Java Simulations control that is guaranteed
to have a parent frame.
Utility classes to work with Ejs at a high level
Title: Element
Title: Element
A class to save and load Element data.
Title: ElementArrow
Title: ElementArrow
Title: ElementBox
Title: ElementBox
Title: ElementSegment
Title: ElementCircle
Title: ElementCylinder
Title: ElementCylinder
Title: ElementCylinder
Title: ElementCylinder
Title: ElementEllipsoid
Title: ElementEllipsoid
Title: ElementImage
Title: ElementImage
Title: ElementLoad
Title: ElementBox
Title: ElementSurface
Title: ElementBox
Title: ElementPoints
Title: ElementPolygon
Title: ElementPolygon
Title: ElementPolygon
Title: ElementSegment
Title: ElementSegment
Title: ElementSphere
Title: ElementSphere
Title: ElementSpring
Title: ElementSegment
Title: ElementSurface
Title: ElementBox
Title: ElementSurface
Title: ElementBox
Title: ElementTetrahedron
Title: ElementTetrahedron
Title: ElementSegment
Title: ElementText
Title: ElementTrail
Title: ElementSegment
This provides a GUI for encrypting and decrypting XMLControls.
Computes the error function for a real argument.
Euler implements an Euler method ODE solver.
An Euler-Richardson (midpoint) method ODE solver.
A dialog to export data from one or more tracks.
To create a new export format: implement this interface and register with
Text format, compatible with Octave and Gnuplot
An export tool which launches a Save dialog
A dialog for exporting videos from a TrackerPanel.
Exports data in XML format.
A dialog for exporting/saving Tracker ZIP files.
A DocumentListener adapter.
A JTextField for editing ZipResourceDialog fields.
is a Value
object that
holds an expression is parsed into a double.Computes the factorial of an integer and functions closely related to
A placeholder that is used by some objects in the display2d package to signal
that the object will draw a 3D view rather than a 2D view.
Title: Fehlberg8
Description: An eigth order Runge-Kutta ODE solver.
FFT computes FFT's of complex, double precision data of arbitrary length n.
FFT2D computes the FFT of 2 dimensional complex, double precision data.
FFT2DFrame computes a 2D FFT and displays the result as a complex grid plot.
FFTFrame computes the FFT and displays the result using a ComplexDataset.
FFTReal computes the discrete Fourier coefficients
a[0], ...., a[N/2] and b[1], ...., b[N/2 - 1]
of the discrete partial Fourier sum
a[0] + a[1]*cos(N/2*omega*x)
+ Sum (k=1,2,...,N/2-1) (a[2*k] * cos(k * omega * x) + a[2*k+1] * sin(k * omega * x))
given real functional values y[0], ...., y[N-1].
FFTRealFrame computes the FFT or real data and displays the result.
A simple TransferHandler for handling via Drag&Drop.
This is the abstract base class for all image filters.
This is a Filter that contains and manages a series of Filters.
This implements an algorithm for finding a first derivative.
This is a FunctionTool used by DatasetCurveFitter to build, save and load
custom fit functions.
This is a FunctionPanel used to manage fits for a DatasetCurveFitter.
FlatData stores numeric data for 2d visualizations using a single array.
A class for setting relative font sizes by level.
A Footprint creates a mark for a track step.
FourierAnalysis adds gutter points to complex-number data before performing a fast Fourier transform.
A JPanel that displays a plot and table of the Fourier spectrum of an input
FourierAnalysis adds gutter points to real data before performing a fast
Fourier transform.
FrameApplet displays a JFrame from an application in an HTML page.
Title: Function
Description: A function of one variable.
FunctionDrawer draws a function from xmin to xmax.
A JPanel that manages a table of objects with editable names and expressions.
implemented by DataFunction, UserFunction, and Parameter
This is a JPanel for managing Functions and supporting Parameters.
This tool allows users to create and manage editable Functions.
Class description
Encapsulates both ParserSuryono and SuryonoParser
A class that saves and loads a GeneralPath in an XMLControl.
This is a Filter that produces fading ghost images of bright objects on a
dark background.
Class GifDecoder - Decodes a GIF file into one or more frames.
GIFEncoder is a class which takes an image and saves it to a stream
using the GIF file format (Graphics Interchange
This is a video that wraps an animated gif image.
This is a gif video recorder that uses scratch files.
This implements the VideoType interface with a buffered image type.
Library of useful computer graphics routines such as geometry routines
for computing the intersection of different shapes and rendering methods
for computing bounds and performing optimized drawing.
This is a Filter that produces a grayscale version of the source.
GrayscalePlot renders 2d data as a grayscale image.
Grid draws a rectangular grid on a data panel.
The GridData interface defines methods for objects that store
data on a grid.
GridPlot plots a scalar field by coloring pixels using a buffered image.
GridPointData stores numeric data on a scaled rectangular grid using an array of points.
Title: Group
Title: Group
A base class to group several ControlElements, connect them
to one or more target objects in a unified form, and build a
graphic interface with all of them.
A utility class that holds information about a value that can be shared
by different ControlElement internal variables and that can also trigger
methods of a class
A class to search Tracker Help
Calculates Hermite polynomials.
Class description
Heun3 implements Heun's third order algorithm for solving ODEs by evaluating the rate at the initial state,
and two intermediate states.
An interface that allows a component to be hidden at all times.
A Control without a graphical user interface.
A Dataset that can highlight selected points.
Histogram maps bin number to occurrences.
A class to save and load Dataset data in an XMLControl.
HistogramDataset creates a histogram of appended data points.
HistogramFrame displays a histogram using a dedicated Histogram object.
This manages point and vector transformations between imagespace and
worldspace coordinates.
Inner class containing the coords data for a single frame number.
A class to save and load ImageCoordSystem data.
This is a Video assembled from one or more still images.
This is an image video recorder that uses scratch files.
This implements the VideoType interface with a buffered image type.
A FunctionEditor for initial values.
Superclass for Protractor and TapeMeasure, both of which have a clickable
editable interface for changing the value.
IntegerArray stores an array of doubles as a string and as an array.
This is a NumberField that accepts only integers.
A IntegerImage contains an array of integers int[row][col]
where each integer represents an image pixel.
A IntegerRaster contains an array of integers where each integer represents an image pixel.
is a Value
object that
holds an integer value.Class Integral defines various integration algorithms.
Title: InteractionEvent
Title: InteractionListener
Title: InteractionSource
The basic interface for an active target in an InteractionSource
The simple3d implementation of InteractionTarget
Interactive defines how an object must behave so that it
can interact with a drawable panel.
A class to save and load InteractiveArrow in an XMLControl.
A class to save and load InteractiveArrow in an XMLControl.
A measured circle that implements Interactive.
A class to save and load InteractiveCircle data in an XMLControl.
An image is bounded by hot spots for dragging and resizing.
This defines methods used by interactive drawable images.
InteractiveMouseHandler defines how an object receives notification that
a mouse action has occured in an InteractivePanel.
InteractivePanel is a drawing panel that invokes the handleMouseAction method in
Interactive objects.
A shape that implements Interactive.
A class to save and load InteractiveShape in an XMLControl.
An InteractiveTextLine is a single line of text that can be moved and rotated like other interactive shapes.
A class to save and load InteractiveArrow in an XMLControl.
InterpolatedPlot creates an image of a scalar field by interpolating every
image pixel to an untabulated point (x,y) in the 2d data.
Class Interpolation defines simple interpolation algorithms.
is a Value
object that
holds an expression is parsed into a double.Title: InvertibleFunction
Description: An invertible function of one variable.
This provides a simple way to package files in a single JAR or ZIP file
This is a JDialog that displays and controls a checkbox jar tree.
A tree model to display files and jar/zip contents.
A multi-line tool tip using simple HTML/BR.
This is an interface for osp data transfers via XML.
This manages jobs and their associated objects and replies.
JREFinder finds Java JRE directories.
This is a video that uses HTML5/JS to read mp4, mov, and other movie video formats.
A class to save and load JSMovieVideo data.
This implements the VideoType interface with a JS type.
Title: KnownFunction Description: A function that provides its name,
expression and parameters to users.
A polynomial that implements KnownFunction.
LagrangeInterpolator uses a polynomial interpolation formula to evaluate values between data points.
Computes Laguerre polynomials and associated Laguerre polynomials.
A DrawingFrame that displays plots using a Lattice.
This provides a GUI for building LaunchNode and LaunchSet xml files.
This modal dialog lets the user choose launchable classes from jar files.
A program to read the PHP launch counter and update the launch counter file.
Resource loader for OSP launcher.
This provides a GUI for launching osp applications and xml files.
English resource loader for OSP launcher.
US English resource loader for OSP launcher.
Spanish resource loader for OSP launcher.
ES Spanish resource loader for OSP launcher.
Chinese resource loader for OSP launcher.
A utility class to launch simulations
This provides undo support for Launcher.
This is a tree node that can describe and launch an application.
This is a panel that displays a tree with a LaunchNode root.
String resources for launcher classes.
This is a dialog that displays a tree showing tabs to be saved.
LeapFrog method ODE solver.
Legendre defines Legendre Polynomials based on of Alan Jeffrey's
Handbook of Mathematical Formulas an Integrals.
Computes Laguerre polynomials and associated Laguerre polynomials.
LevenbergMarquardt performs a minimization of a nonlinear multivariable function using
the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm.
A Library for a LibraryBrowser.
A GUI for browsing OSP digital library collections.
This represents a collection of library resources.
This provides static methods for getting a LibraryCollection from ComPADRE.
A class to refresh search data for the LibraryBrowser when running in JS.
A GUI for managing My Library, search targets, and the OSP cache.
This represents a library resource.
A Comparable class for metadata key-value pairs.
A DefaultMutableTreeNode for a LibraryTreePanel tree, with a LibraryResource
user object.
This is a JPanel that displays an OSP LibraryResource at the root of a tree.
A JTextField for editing LibraryTreeNode data.
A JTextPane that displays html pages for LibraryTreeNodes.
A LineFootprint returns a line shape for a Point array of length 2.
A LineProfile measures pixel brightness along a line on a video image.
This is a step for a LineProfile.
This modal dialog lets the user choose any number of items from a supplied
This is a Job implementation for osp data transfers within a single vm.
Displays and sets DrawingPanel log-scale properties.
Class description
This is a Filter that applies a log transform to the source.
Title: Measurable
Description: A Measurable object returns only positive min and max values for its x and y extent.
Lower Upper Permutation (LUP) decomposition
See Object Oriented Implementation of Numerical Methods by Didier H.
A MainFrame contains the primary user interface for a program.
This is the main video view for Tracker.
A Mark draws itself with an optional highlight.
A MarkingRequired track requires marking.
MathExpParser defines an abstract super class for mathematical expression parsers.
Matrix2DTransformation implements 2D affine transformations
Matrix3DTransformation implements 3D affine transformations using a matrix representation.
MatrixTransformation maps coordinates from one coordinate system to another using a matrix.
A Measurable object returns min and max values for its x and y extent.
A drawable circle that implements Measurable.
MeasuredImage contains an image and a scale in world units.
String resources for media classes.
PixelRectangle demonstrates how to draw an object using the AWT drawing API.
MessageFrame displays text messages.
A class to store and invoke methods using reflection.
A base interface for the model of a simulation
A FunctionTool for building particle models.
A subclass of FunctionPanel specifically for particle models.
A factory class to manage movie engines
An abstract class that describes common aspects of VideoAdapters that involve
actual digital video sources such as MP4 (JSMovieVideo and XuggleVideo).
This implements the VideoType interface for "movie" video files.
A MultiLineFootprint returns a set of line segments for a Point array of any
length > 1.
A multiline tooltip UI based on open source code from
This is a Step that represents multiple positions.
Title: Function
Description: A function of multiple variables.
An interface for children elements that need to be preupdated
before its parent gets updated.
An interface to distinguish which elements need to call update()
when the group is updated
This is a Filter that produces a negative version of the source.
A class to provide color quantization for GIF
A NumberField is a JTextField that formats and displays numbers.
A helper class specifically for NumberFieldRenderer to not have to have any
association with an actual JTextField.
A Dialog for setting the format of number fields and table cells.
Indicates that an error occured in a numeric method.
Logs numerics messages to the OSPLog using reflection.
ODE defines a system of differential equations by providing access to the rate equations.
ODEAdaptiveSolver extends the ODE solver to add adaptive step size capabilities.
ODEBisectionEventSolver is an ODEEventSolver that uses
the bisection method for root finding.
ODEEventSolver is an interface for a Solver for ODE which accepts
and deals with StateEvents
ODEMultistepSolver performs multiple ODE steps so that a uniform step size is maintained.
ODE defines a minimal differential equation solver.
Signals that a numerical error occured within an ODE solver.
A factory class that creates an ODESolver using a name.
An OffsetOrigin controls the origin of an image coordinate system.
This is a Step for a OffsetOrigin.
OSPApplication defines a model and a control.
A JPopupMenu with String items from which to choose.
A Control that shows its parameters in a JTable.
OSPControlTable automatically converts strings, such "pi" or "sqrt(2)" to numbers when
getDouble and getInt are invoked.
OSPDesktop invokes the java.awt.Desktop API using reflection for Java 1.5 compatibility.
OSPDialog is a standard dialog that can remain hidden in applet mode.
OSPFrame is the base class for Open Source Physics JFrames such as
DrawingFrame and DataTableFrame.
Inspects an object's state using XML.
This is a viewable file-based message log for a java package.
This class defines static methods related to the runtime environment.
An interface with static methods that track implementing classes, adding them
to array to "allocate" them, and running their dispose() method when
"deallocation" is requested.
A class to compare version strings.
A dialog that displays an editable table of properties using an OSPControlTable.
A class to handle apple events in OSX.
The InvocationHandler class used as proxy to handle apple or desktop events.
An OutlineFootprint returns an outline shape for a Point array of length 2.
This displays html or plain text in one or more tabs.
A class to hold the data for a single tab.
A class to hold the view for a single tab.
A class to undo/redo a text edit.
A FunctionEditor for Parameters.
This represents a parameter expression that is parsed and evaluated as a
function of other parameters.
Title: ParsableTextArea
Description: JTextArea with the ability to parse parameters.
An Ejs control that behaves like a standard OSP control insofar as it parses mathematical expressions
stored as strings to produce integers and doubles.
ParsedFunction defines a function of a single varianble using a String.
ParsedMultiVarFunction defines a function of multiple variables using a String.
Creates a parser and its variables for a given expression
Indicates that an error occured in parser operation, and the operation
could not be completed.
Indicates that an error occurred in parser operation, and the operation
could not be completed.
The class
is a mathematical expression parser.This is a particle model with steps based on world positions defined in a
Data object.
A function panel for a ParticleDataTrack.
A DrawingFrame that displays particles.
An abstract class representing a point mass for which positions are
determined by a model.
A dialog for verifying passwords with a single public static method verify().
A dialog for pasting delimited text data in JS.
Implements methods to support periodic boundary condtions.
A PencilCaption is a text caption for a PencilScene.
A Dialog to control PencilScenes for a PencilDrawer.
A PencilDrawer draws and manages PencilScenes for a TrackerPanel.
A PencilDrawing is a freeform line, arrow or ellipse.
A PencilScene is a collection of PencilDrawings and an optional PencilCaption.
This is a Filter that corrects perspective in the source image.
This is a Step for a PerspectiveTrack.
This is a track used for autotracking perspective filter corners.
The Plot2D interface defines common methods for 2d-plotting such as a GridPlot,
a VectorPlot, or a ContourPlot.
A class to save and load a Plot2D object in an XMLControl.
PlotFrame displays a plot using a dedicated DatasetManager.
This controls guest tracks in a TrackPlottingPanel.
A Drawing Panel that has an X axis, a Y axis, and a title.
This displays plot views of a track.
This displays plot track views selected from a dropdown list.
A PointMass tracks the position, velocity and acceleration of a point mass.
Inner class containing the position data for a single frame number.
A PointShapeFootprint returns a shape for a Point[] of length 1.
PolarAxes defines common polar coordinate methods.
Builds a coordinate string from a mouse event for an axis type.
Polynomial implements a mathematical polynomial:
c[0] + c[1] * x + c[2] * x^2 + ....
Polynomial least square fit without any error estimation.
This is a Step that represents a position.
A PositionVectorFootprint returns a vector shape for a Point[] of length 2,
but creates a hit shape only at the tip of the vector.
This displays and sets preferences for a TrackerPanel.
Print utilities for OSP componets.
A dialog for viewing and setting document properties and metadata.
An interface to get the editor of properties in Ejs
A Protractor measures and displays angular arcs and arm lengths.
A Protractor with an arrow that can be used to measure angles.
A ProtractorFootprint returns a pair of lines that meet at a vertex
at one end and have a specified end shape at the other.
This is a Step for a Protractor.
A Key for objects, such as quantum wave functions, that can be identified by integers.
Quaternion models a unit quaternion and implements quaternion arithmetic.
This is a Filter that applies radial transformations to an image.
Ralston2 implements Ralston's algorithm for solving ODEs by evaluating the rate at the initial state,
estimating the rate for the final state, and using a weighted average of these two rates to advance the state.
A DrawingFrame that displays data using a ByteRaster.
This empty class is used by ResourceLoader to load resources relative to
A ReferenceFrame is an image coordinate system with its origin
determined by the position of a PointMass.
Renderable objects draw themselves onscreen onto an image in the calling thread.
that can be resized.This is a Filter that changes the pixel dimensions of an image.
Title: Resolution
This represents a resource obtained from a URL or File.
This defines static methods for loading resources.
A little class just for VideoFileType that
A RGBRegion measures RGB properties in a user-defined region of a video image.
This is a step for RGBRegion.
Title: RK4
Description: A fourth order Runge-Kutta ODE solver.
RK45 implements an Runge-Kutta 4/5 ODE solver with variable step size.
Title: RK45MultiStep
Description: Perform multiple RK4/5 ODE steps so that a uniform step size is maintained
Class Root defines various root finding algorithms.
This is a Filter that rotates the source image.
This draws ruled lines and labels for a protractor.
A DrawingFrame that displays 2D plots of scalar fields.
This displays and sets DrawingPanel scale properties.
This NumberField displays numbers in scientific format.
This VideoRecorder records to a scratch file which is then copied as needed.
This implements an algorithm for finding a second derivative.
Selectable defines methods that enable a user to
select an object and then vary the postion, height, and width.
Title: Set
This Icon centers and fills the shape specified in its constructor.
This interface defines methods for setting values that can be changed after an animation has been initialized.
Simulations are Animations that invoke methods before starting their
animation thread and after stopping their animation thread.
A base interface for a simulation
An AnimationControl that controls the editing of parameters.
A SiteLattice displays an array where each array element can assume one of 256
Interface methods used by XuggleVideo
This provides a simple way to capture screen images.
Sorts table column based on their numeric values if the table's values are
Resource loader for OSP special functions package.
English resource loader for OSP special functions package.
US English resource loader for OSP special functions package.
Draws a coil spring in a drawing panel.
StateEvent defines an event consisting in that a given numeric value
changes sign from positive to negative.
A Step is associated with a single frame of a TTrack.
This is a ClipControl that displays every step in a video clip.
A StepSet is a HashSet of Steps that can be saved in an XMLControl.
is a Value
object that
holds a String value.Stripchart stores data having increasing x values.
This is a Filter that produces fading strobe images.
Title: Style
This is a Filter that sums pixel values from multiple images.
SurfacePlot draws a 3D surface of a scalar field.
The class
projects points in 3D space to 2D space.The class
represents a vertex in 3D space.The class
is a mathematical expression parser.A JScrollPane that presents a table view of a track on a TrackerPanel.
This JPanel is the only child of TViewChooser viewPanel.
This creates a map of action name to action for many common tracker actions.
A TapeMeasure measures and displays its world length and its angle relative
to the positive x-axis.
Inner class containing the tape data for a single frame number.
This is a Step for a TapeMeasure.
A button based on VideoPlayer.PlayerButton that is used throughout Tracker.
This is a Trackable circle that extends TShape.
This draws the worldspace origin and axes of an image coordinate system.
A CoordinateStringBuilder with format patterns and units.
A class to find the best match of a template image in a target image.
Title: TestData
Description: Static methods to generate test data for various programs.
TextLine is designed to bundle together all the information required
to draw short Strings with subscripts and superscripts.
The TextPanel renders text in a component.
This is the main frame for Tracker.
A dialog for saving thumbnail images of a TrackerPanel.
A text line that is offset relative to a drawing panel's display area.
This is a TShape that draws a line.
This obtains line profile data from a video image.
This is a trackable rectangular background mat that draws itself on a tracker
panel behind the video.
This is the main menu for Tracker.
A general purpose mouse handler for a trackerPanel.
This is a Tool interface for osp data transfers via XML.
Toolbox stores tools that can exchange data using the Tool interface.
Resource loader for OSP tools package.
English resource loader for OSP tools package.
US English resource loader for OSP tools.
Spanish resource loader for OSP tools package.
ES Spanish resource loader for OSP tools.
Chinese resource loader for OSP tools package.
ToolsRes provides access to string resources for OSPControls and fires a
property change event when the locale changes.
This is a Point2D that implements the Interactive and Trackable interfaces
with additional utility methods.
A Trackable object implements no special methods but promises
to draw itself correctly in both imagespace and worldspace.
This is a circle that implements the Trackable interface and
is associated with a single video frame.
This displays track views selected from a dropdown list.
This is a dialog containing buttons for all user tracks.
A FunctionTool for building data functions for track data.
This is the default Tracker application.
Reads accumulated counts on the Tracker server.
This provides static methods for managing video and text input/output.
A FilenameFilter to find tracker jar files.
This extends VideoPanel to manage and draw TTracks.
String resources for tracker classes.
A class to start Tracker.
This is a plotting panel for a track
A class used for name, footprint and color edits.
A custom renderer to show track name and icon in dropdown list items, where the items
are Object[] { icon, text }
This displays a view of a single track on a TrackerPanel.
Title: Trail
Description: A trail of pixels on the screen.
TrailBezier defines a trail of points connected by a Bezier spline.
TrailSmart adds points to a Bezier trail only if the new point deviates from a straight line.
This manages an AffineTransform array.
Transformation maps coordinates from one coordinate system to another.
SUGGESTION: It would be good to isolate the JFrame GUI from the underlying
translation functions.
This is a region determined by inside and outside pixel values.
A TriangularBinaryLattice is an array where each array element has a value
of 0 or 1.
A TriangularByteLattice is an array where each array element can assume one
of 256 values.
A checkbox with checked, unchecked and part-checked states
This is a type-safe enumerated type
This is the base class for all TPoint objects that draw a Shape.
This is the main toolbar for Tracker.
A TTrack draws a series of visible Steps on a TrackerPanel.
A DrawingPanel that mimics the look of a JLabel but can display subscripts.
This is a toolbar that display selected track properties in the NORTH
section of a MainTView.
This is a TShape that draws a vector.
This is a view of a tracker panel that can be added to a TViewChooser.
This is a panel with a toolbar for selecting and controlling TViews.
When uncertain and unfilled, UncertainFunctionDrawer draws a KnownFunction
with upper and lower limits based on specified parameter uncertainties.
A class to handle undo/redo operations for Tracker.
A dialog to set time.
A class to upgrade Tracker.
A known function for which the expression and parameters are user-editable.
A class to save and load UserFunction data in an XMLControl.
A FunctionEditor for UserFunctions.
A utility class for numerical analysis.
Utility class for two dimensional visualizations.
Some utility functions
is an object that holds an internal (but public)
variable.An interface to get the editor of properties in Ejs
A 3-element vector that is represented by double-precision floating point
x,y,z coordinates.
A Vector draws a series of VectorSteps that represent a generic
time-dependent vector.
Inner class containing the vector data for a single frame number.
A DrawingFrame that displays 2D plots of vector fields.
Some utility functions
This is an ArrayList that represents a chain of vectors linked tip-to-tail.
VectorFunction defines a function of multiple variables that returns a resultant vector.
VectorMath is a utility class for vector math.
VectorPlot renders a vector field in a drawing panel using arrows centered on
each grid point in the GridPointData.
This is a Step that represents a vector.
A VectorSum draws a series of VectorSteps that represent a
vector sum of its set of vectors.
This displays and sets VectorSum properties.
Verlet: A velocity Verlet method ODE solver.
A coordinate string builder for a video panel.
Resource loader for OSP video package.
This defines methods to control a video image sequence.
English resource loader for video.
US English resource loader for video.
Spanish resource loader for video.
ES Spanish resource loader for video.
Chinese resource loader for video.
This provides basic implementations of all Video methods.
A class to save and load and save Video data.
A video capture tool.
This defines a subset of video frames called steps.
This is a ClipControl that uses the video itself for timing.
This is a FileFilter that accepts video files.
This is a DrawingFrame with video menu items.
A video capture utility using media classes.
This provides static methods for managing video and text input/output.
VideoClip and VideoRecorder need persistent loaders that must later be asynchronously finalized.
This is a general purpose mouse handler for a video panel drawing TShapes.
This is an interactive drawing panel with a video player.
A class to save and load data for this object.
This is a GUI component for playing a VideoClip.
GoToDialog inner class
This defines methods for creating a video from a series of images.
This defines methods common to all video types.
A base interface for the graphical user interface of a simulation
Title: VisualizationHints
This draws a world grid on a TrackerPanel.
This draws ruled lines and labels for a tape measure.
This is a TView of a TrackerPanel drawn in world space.
XAxis: an x axis that knows how to draw itself in a drawing panel.
This defines the ObjectLoader interface and static methods for managing and
accessing ObjectLoader implementations.
This defines methods for moving xml data between an XMLControl and
a corresponding Java object.
This defines methods for storing data in an xml control element.
This is a basic xml control for storing data.
XMLDrawingPanelInspector displays properties of the drawing panel using the OSP XML framework.
This is an ObjectLoader implementation that uses the Java XMLEncoder and
XMLDecoder classes to save and load data.
This is an ObjectLoader implementation that attempts to create a new object
of class element.getObjectClass() but takes no other action.
This defines methods for storing data in an xml property element.
This defines methods for storing data in an xml property element.
This is a table view of an XML control and its property contents.
A dialog that displays an editable table of XMLControl properties.
A table model for an XMLTable.
This is an XML tree in a scroller.
This modal dialog lets the user choose items from a tree view of an XMLControl.
This is a DefaultMutableTreeNode for an XML JTree.
This is a split pane view of an XML tree and its contents.
Resource loader for OSP tools.xuggle package.
English resource loader for OSP xuggle package.
This implements the VideoType interface with a Xuggle or JS type.
XuggleRes provides access to string resources for Xuggle Diagnostics.
A class to create thumbnail images of videos.
A class to display videos using the Xuggle library.
A class to save and load XuggleVideo data.
A class to record videos using the Xuggle video engine.
A superclass for the x axis and y axis.
YAxis: a y axis that knows how to draw itself in a drawing panel.
This is a TView of a tracker panel in a zoomable scrollpane.